

Obagi Nu-Derm System

Let me start by saying, the Obagi Nu-Derm system is not for the faint of heart. It’s also not for anyone that does not want to commit to a few months of a multiple step routine. If you decide to try this system, you will end up with beautiful, even toned, and refined skin. The first few weeks are pretty brutal. I have used this system on three different occasions. The first time I used it was definitely the harshest. Be prepared to peel a lot. Yes, your skin will also be slightly red and flaky. Once you get past the initial exfoliation phase, which really only lasts a couple of weeks, it’s not too bad. Anyone suffering from pigmentation issues or if your texture just isn’t as smooth as it used to be, this is the routine for you. The one product that really boosts the entire system and takes it to the next level, is the combination of Retin-A mixed with the Obagi Blender. Retin-A is a very powerful prescription strength form of Vitamin A. Obagi products are available at Plastic Surgeon and Dermatology offices across the country. I have ordered my system from on a few occasions and they have great prices and really quick delivery. The Obagi Nu-Derm system comes is two different versions. One is tailored for oily skin and the other for normal/dry skin. The trial version shown above retails for $229 and is worth every cent. Now get GLOWING and be prepared to reveal more beautiful skin.