Happy New Year everyone! Well okay, I realize that we are already into February at this point, but life happens and it’s sometimes merely impossible to stick to our internal guidelines. I know you get it too!
Anyway, with this re-launch and overhaul of Must Love Lipstick, I have decided to take things in a much needed new direction. These past years have been something I barely talk about. We are living in a “Smoke and Mirrors” type of society. With the evolution of social media, we are all guilty, in some way, of painting a more perfect existence of our lives. But, it’s all a facade. Trust me.
When I launched Must Love Lipstick years ago, it was a way for me to get lost and forget about my devastation and heartache. Talking about makeup, applying it and specifically writing about it, has been a major coping skill for me since I launched my site. But with the evolution of my life, has come the responsibility I now feel to share more of what my life consists of behind the scenes. We all know and recognize the term SILVER LINING. Well, my story has one too. What I have now come to realize is, with my site and social media in general, I am able to share on a much bigger platform. So after today, my blog will consist of multiple topics. From my usual makeup and skincare, to health and fitness, what’s good for the soul, a more detailed Q & A section, to my own real life journey revolving around mental health and my role and mission of becoming an advocate.
Don’t worry, my site is still going to consist of topics you can enjoy and get lost in. My crafty and artistic side will showcase a D.I.Y. section. With anything and everything from clothing to Interior design to the basic life hacks we all need to know! The beauty in life is that we have so many things our individual lives revolve around, and what I have found most comforting in this journey these past few years, is hearing the stories of others. It allows me to feel that I am not alone in all of this. I also realize, that me sharing my story and experiences can possibly help another person to heal, take steps to find help or just lend an ear or a voice and help put an end to some of the stigmas in society. I will tell you this, never judge a book by it’s cover, because when you actually start reading that book, you will surely be surprised by their story. At the end of the day, the perfect ending to my story will be helping others and making a difference.
Thank you for continuing to support me on this journey, this is just the beginning of this next chapter. I’m glad you are along for the ride!
Much Love- Jen