

Laughing Keeps You Young

I feel like I probably laugh more than anyone ever should! I have the funniest friends and family on the planet. There is that saying that “like attracts like.” I definitely believe that. One of my best friends always says to me when I’m down, “Just smile, it’s impossible to be sad when you are smiling.” She is absolutely right. The very second I smile, my mood changes. There have been studies that not only show that laughing keeps us young by relieving stress, which is in turn good for our heart, but while smiling, we appear three years younger than our actual age! Who doesn’t love looking younger? I always remember the theory that it takes more muscles to frown than it does to smile. When I researched that, there were a million different theories. So I’m not quite sure if there is scientific evidence to back it up, but I do know my days are so much better when I laugh. After all, laughter is the best medicine!