So my obsession with my nails continues! I recently had the chance to try a product called Jamberry. A friend of mine introduced me to these as his wife currently sells them (* see photo above: Thanks Colleen & Cody!) I had never heard of this company, but quickly researched them online and was super impressed. I have tried decals or “nail stickers” in the past with mediocre results. But these little gems by Jamberry literally blew me away! You start with a bare nail and then heat up each decal with your hair dryer. The process was super easy and they almost immediately adhered to my nails. They have a glossy sheen which I LOVE too. I wore mine for about five days before I decided to take them off (which was also a breeze). I’m told you can wear them for up to three weeks, and it seemed like these would have lasted much longer than the five days I wore them. I just constantly change my polish because I get bored! All in all, these are a definite hit for me. They have so many different patterns, the possibilities are endless. If you are interested in trying these out, please contact Colleen Whitson. Here’s to a beautiful day! xx