

Happy New Year…Hello 2015!


Wow! I can’t believe it is actually 2015. This past year has been one of the best years of my life. What started off as a very difficult time in my life, turned into one of my greatest journeys. I never in a million years thought this is where I would be today. With this being the very first day of the New Year, the possibilities are endless! Go out and take risks and set goals that are beyond your wildest dreams. Whatever you want to achieve this year, it’s yours! What started off as a personal goal for me has turned into one of my biggest accomplishments in life. New Years has always been a time to embrace new beginnings. I thought this would be the perfect day to launch my new blog site. With 400 days under my belt, I thought it was time to take things to another level. Thank you for supporting me along the way, and I’m truly excited for you to see what is in store in the coming weeks…it’s because of you this venture has been such a success! With great Love & Appreciation- Jen